Immerse your dog in training during the 5 week Board and Train program that provides your companion the time to develop acceptable behaviors and obedience through consistency. This method yields the best results for a well behaved and obedient companion. Your pet will stay in our home, with us, giving the most opportunity to immerse him/her in training almost around the clock. An additional 5 week Advanced “Out and About” can be scheduled consecutively or at a later point after completing the first 5 week Basic Training. The basic is available to any puppy or dog, no matter the age. To qualify for the Advanced, Basic Training must have been completed.
- The first 5 weeks teaches basic obedience cues and acceptable house manners such as:
- No Jumping
- No Nipping
- No Chewing on inappropriate items/people
- Quiet Barking
- No Digging
- Potty Training
- Socialization Manners
- Boundary Training (staying out of/away from unapproved areas)
- Recall
- Heel on leash (leash provided by Dog Academy)
- Go to “Kennel/Place/ Bed” with Distance, Duration, and Distraction (DDD)
- Load in to Vehicle
- Sit, Sit/Wait (at door), Sit at Stop, Sit/Stay with DDD
- Down/Stay with DDD
- Begin Out and About
- (3) In-Home Private Lessons.
- Unlimited Group Classes
- Fur-Ever Support of Dog Academy
- AKC Canine Good Citizen Testing
- More…We preform extra training as needed (trips to your vet’s office, groomer, and other places your dog is showing fear, excitement, or aggression)
- Your needs/desires for your dog is not limited to this list!
- Ability to utilize Daycare &/or Boarding at Dog Academy LLC
Some clients wish to further their dogs education by enrolling in our Advanced, “Out and About” training adventure! This training is not limited to the out and about setting but also builds upon skills already achieved during basic training. An example most all owners love is a silent command; after hearing the doorbell your dog will “place/bed/kennel/spot” automatically. Many owners love and cherish this simple behavior for safety and calm actions when company arrives. Our “Out and About” is available in many facets educating each dog, individually. Maybe you are likely to take your dog to dog friendly dining restaurants? What about your children’s ball games? Concerts in the Park? Would you like to have a well behaved dog while traveling on vacation? (We have gone as far as to take dogs on camping adventures to get them ready for the great outdoors). Maybe you are interested in taking your dog to console other people at hospitals, nursing homes, children’s homes, or at disaster sites, if so, the Therapy Dog Program will suit your needs. All of these can be obtained with our Advanced, “Out and About” training. Completion of the Basic Training is required to enroll in Advanced. Also included in the Advanced Package are AKC’s Community Canine &/or Urban Public Access Test, additional Unlimited Advanced Group Classes (out and about in a group) and (3) more Private Lessons-“Out and About” are included in this Program. *Due to the constant moving from place to place, we take only a few Advanced clients at a time and NONE July-September, due to the extreme heat.
As with all of our programs, age appropriate vaccines are required, as are (2) yearly negative fecal exams, (2) Bordetella vaccines, and current on flea, tick and heart worm medication.
Please call 803-443-2660 to speak to us about your specific training needs and pricing.
To show our gratitude to our Nation’s first responders, senior population, and teachers, we will be offering a 10% discount on training to: Seniors 65+, Active Military and Veterans, Law Enforcement, Firefighters, EMT, Paramedics, Nurses, and teachers. Thank you for all you do to keep us safe!